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Game looks nice! I will give it a try. Any plans to replace the portraits circles with character models? Thanks!

It will at least be supported through modding. Otherwise, we'll see. It's a common request, but graphics are very costly to do either way.


Looks like an awesome game! I'll definitely pick it up on Steam when I get home.

I noticed from streamers playing that you can choose to be an orphan or a part of a family, as well as aging mechanics. Are there any plans to implement marriage/inheritance mechanics as well?


Extending family functionality is a common request, so hopefully I'll manage to fit it into the game. :)
The 4 core functionalities that are planned are inviting NPCs to party, managing settlements, including inviting NPCs, battle and conquest systems, and story & events in 1.0. The families could fit into the settlement system update potentially, but we'll have to see.

(2 edits) (+1)

It would be really neat to have an archery skill in the game, are you planning to add it later to the game? More magic maybe on top of the pyromancy one?

edit: there are bows in the game it seems, i just cannot choose any relevant skills when creating my character it seems, my bad :)

Edit 2: maybe carpentry is the skill i was looking for. 

Great game so far!

Hunting skill is planned that will be a combat skill for bows, and at least Necromancy will come once we have the army mechanics. We'll see what else, but it's also worth noting that modding tools will come in a few weeks, and there are already some interested players on our Discord server who are eager to introduce more magic skills. :)

I like it but the ecconomy is all out of wack... a town that has 20000 ruby's on one side of the contenent should not be buying them at the same price that a town all the way on the other side of the map that has no gems of any kind

It needs some more work, for sure. Gems specifically have very little use by the settlements right now. They may only be used in crafting some recipes so the price is rather stable, as there's very little demand.


Will def buy. Great work! <3


I tried out the demo, VERY fun!

too much fun in fact, I played it late into the night ^^"
First of all, it ran stable, so no problems there.

Things I noticed:
Some skills are really hard to get into(reach level1). As soon as you reach it however then you can more effectively level it, and that is very satisfying.
The weaponsmith tree looked a bit underwhelming iirc. Maybe there could be several unlocks with levels, because even further in it didn't seem too great, but I could be wrong. 
Same goes for tailoring which I haven't tried out much. I guess I will with the next playthrough. but unlocking those crafting skills is rly difficult since you can only gain xp by salvaging^^".
Mining = $$$ :D
the ordering system is great! you can order stuff that you cannot make yourself, which is vital for tools and such for example!!
I am hesitant to say this, but I wonder if crafting the same item should have diminishing turns in terms of xp/ or the higher level you are in crafting the less you profit from low level crafts = you are level 1 you gain 100% xp from crafting for example firewood, if you are level 5 in carpenting  you only gain 40% from that, and on level 8 you only get 5% or smth like that. It feels weird to become a master carpenter by only making firewood xD
But I guess that is different for craft trees, for example for armor smithing it is more difficult to get enough ore to produce bars to enable crafting.

I really like the current gameplay loop, since at the start you have almost nothing, and eventually you get more money, order tools to enable skinning or chopping wood etc, and then eventually becoming really strong :D

Looking forward to more updates and when the game releases, great work!

btw SplatterCat mentioned your game in


Thank you for the great feedback, I'll keep tweaking the skills. The crafting skills have the extra benefit of allowing upgrades to items (replacing of materials on the fly), and that's way more powerful than actually making the item because you don't have to track down NPC crafters to improve your gear. All the skills will go up to level 50 when EA releases in a month, so there will be some more powerful items reach later, some of which may not be accessible through NPCs.


This is looking great. I'm definitely going to be buying this when the Soulash 1 owner discount drops.


it's fantastic!


I'm glad you like it!


I am going to keep a eye on the demo, as I saw a ton of crashes just roaming around.6


Ow! My soul!

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